Armchair Genealogy Podcast - Family Tree & History


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Mark Thompson & Steve Little chat about AI with the Genealogy Guy

The Genealogy Guy discusses the impact of AI on genealogy with Steve Little and Mark Thompson from the Family History AI Show. Mark, a retired technologist, and Steve,...

Jonny Perl @DNAPainter chats with the Genealogy Guy

Discover the fascinating story behind dna painter with Jonny Perl, a web developer and genealogist who turned his own dna testing experience into an invaluable tool fo...

Donna Rutherford gives insight into using DNA with the Genealogy Guy

Donna Rutherford chats with the Genealogy Guy on Armchair Genealogy Podcast about the basics of genealogy and DNA, emphasizing the importance of understanding DNA matc...

Laura House, genetic genealogist @Ancestry chats with the Genealogy Guy

What secrets might your dna hold? Laura House, a genetic genealogist at Ancestry, joins Genealogy Guy on armchair genealogy. In this insightful conversation, Laura rev...

Dr. Nicholas Dixon chat with the Genealogy Guy about history, academic study and genealogy

Dr. Nicholas Dixon emphasises the collaborative nature of the genealogy community and the willingness of professionals to help each other. He highlights the unique ang...

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